Research & Publication

Plan for Growth


In our Plan for Growth, London Property Alliance (LPA) has identified four key areas to fire up the economies of our cities, unlock growth and generate social and economic prosperity.

In the paper, the Alliance calls on the Government to implement policies to grow London’s Central Activities Zone (CAZ), a critical engine of the country’s economy, housing over 40% of Greater London’s jobs and generating more than 10% of the UK’s economic output.

On behalf of WPA and CPA members, the Alliance is calling for a more ambitious settlement to return powers to London government, in addition to reforming the planning system to create certainty for developers and local authorities in order to ensure a return to sustainable major project investment in all parts of the CAZ.

The Alliance calls for the Government to find a long-term sustainable funding plan for Transport for London, a lasting solution for HS2 as well as make urgent progress with the Bakerloo line extension and Crossrail 2, both of which will bring housing and regeneration benefits.

Read our Plan for Growth here

Further reading:

Press Release: London’s property industry urges the next Government to unlock economic growth and reset the relationship with London government