
Partner event: Skills for a Sustainable Skyline breakfast seminar

11 Dec 2023 to 11 Dec 2023
8:00 am to 10:00 am

Members joined us for a breakfast seminar hosted by the City of London Corporation’s Skills for a Sustainable Skyline Taskforce. The event explored the taskforce’s recent Skills Recommendations report and the efforts it is taking to bridge the green skills gap as central London’s property industry strives to meet its net zero goals.

The Taskforce is engaging across central London boroughs, the GLA and national government in partnership with a wide variety of organisations across the built environment to help co-ordinate efforts on addressing the skills shortage within sustainability.

Taskforce Chair Keth Bottomley (Deputy Policy Chairman, City of London Corporation) gave an update on the progress of the group before an expert panel chaired by LPA Chief Executive and Taskforce Deputy Chair Charles Begley discussed the challenges, opportunities and next steps to upskilling and driving diversity around green skills in central London’s built environment.


Keith Bottomley

Taskforce Chair and Deputy Policy Chairman, City of London Corporation


Charles Begley (Panel Chair)

LPA Chief Executive and Deputy Taskforce Chair

Stephen Cole

Senior Strategic Lead, CITB

Emma Hoskyn

UK Head of Sustainability, JLL

Carol Lynch

CEO, Construction Youth Trust

Conor Storkey

Director of Sustainability, Brookfield Properties