
Good Growth in Central London

09 Jul 2024 to 09 Jul 2024
8:00 am to 10:00 am

We welcomed over 160 London Property Alliance members and stakeholders to the report launch for our latest piece of research – Good Growth in Central London.

Produced in collaboration with Arup, the report explores future economic growth in the Central Activities Zone (CAZ), finding that a balanced approach to planning policy could unlock a £101bn boost for the national economy.

Hosted at SkyHUB Victoria, Howard Dawber (Deputy Mayor for Business and Growth, GLA) delivered the keynote. Alongside WPA Chair, Marcus Geddes (Managing Director, Workplace at Landsec) who chaired the panel session, our line up of speakers included:

  • Matthew Dillon, Global Economics Skills Leader, Arup
  • Lisa Fairmaner, Head of the London Plan and Growth Strategies, GLA
  • Olivia Harris, WPA Board and Chief Executive, Dolphin Living
  • Alexander Jan, Chief Economic Adviser, LPA
  • Claire Outram, CPA Board Member and Vice President, Asset Management, Brookfield Properties
Read the report here

Further reading:

Press Release: New Government can unlock £100bn boost for national economy through planning reform in central London

Report: Manifesto for Growth