Research & Publication

Good Growth in Central London


London Property Alliance’s Good Growth in Central London report analyses the future of economic growth in London’s Central Activities Zone (CAZ).

Produced in collaboration with Arup, the research explores three possible growth scenarios for the CAZ – balanced growth, business as usual and checks on growth. The study analyses a range of indices, including the latest planning, employment and greenhouse emissions data, and projects performance up to 2045.

The report shows that a more pro-growth planning environment could help central London deliver 407,000 jobs, 50,700 new homes and an additional 55.7m sq ft in office floorspace by 2045 – boosting the UK economy by £101bn (GVA). The research highlights that policy support is needed urgently to help reverse a 54% fall in major office planning applications across central London over the past decade.

The paper has been sponsored by Derwent London, Gerald Eve, GPE, Landsec, Shaftesbury Capital, The Pollen Estate and The Portman Estate. You can read more on the report in The Evening Standard and EG (£).

Charles Begley, Chief Executive, London Property Alliance, said:

“The report shows that planning reform delivered by the new government and recently re-elected Mayor of London, focusing on a ‘flexible and balanced’ approach to commercial development in central London, could usher in a new era of strong economic growth as long as individual boroughs supported more offices, homes and commercial uses in their local areas.”

Read the report here

Further reading:

Press Release: New Government can unlock £100bn boost for national economy through planning reform in central London

Event: Good Growth in Central London

Report: Manifesto for Growth